On February 5, Football Association of Malawi wrote Malawi National Council of Sports (MNCS) informing them of the resolution FAM Executive Committee made on 1st February, 2025 to engage coach Kalisto Pasuwa as Head Coach of the Men’s National Football Team.
However, MNCS has written FAM asking them whether a fair and transparent process of this hiring was done. That is whether the position was widely advertised, shortlisting done and interviews of candidates held.
This is because public resources will be used, learns Wa Ganyu. As of today, FAM is yet to respond to these questions.
Wa Ganyu can confirm that this is a real mpweteko since FAM had moved steps further in engaging Pasuwa and his backroom staff has already been selected with FAM finalizing the process. Pasuwa is already in the country kuti atikitire.